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Nov 09, 2023
The table below lists broadcast standards by country.
There are three main television standards used throughout the world.
NTSC - National Television Standards Committee
Developed in the US and first used in 1954, NTSC is the oldest existing broadcast standard. It consists of 525 horizontal lines of display and 60 vertical lines. Only one type exists, known as NTSC M. It is sometimes irreverently referred to as Never Twice the Same Color.
SECAM - Système Électronique pour Couleur avec Mèmoire.
Developed in France and first used in 1967. It uses a 625-line vertical, 50-line horizontal display. Different types use different video bandwidth and audio carrier specifications. Types B and D are usually used for VHF. Types G, H, and K are used for UHF. Types I, N, M, K1 and L are used for both VHF and UHF. These different types are generally not compatible with one another. SECAM is sometimes irreverently referred to as Something Essentially Contrary to the American Method or SEcond Color Always Magenta.
PAL - Phase Alternating Line
Developed in Germany and first used in 1967. A variant of NTSC, PAL uses a 625/50-line display. Different types use different video bandwidth and audio carrier specifications. Common types are B, G, and H. Less common types include D, I, K, N, and M. These different types are generally not compatible with one another. Proponents of PAL irreverently call it Perfection At Last, while critics of its enormous circuit complexity call it Pay A Lot or "Picture Always Lousy.
Television Standards by Country
Country | Signal Type | Country | Signal Type |
Afghanistan | PAL B, SECAM B | Fiji | NTSC M |
Albania | PAL B/G | Finland | PAL B/G |
Algeria | PAL B/G | France | SECAM L |
Angola | PAL I | France (French Forces Tv) | SECAM G |
Antarctica | NTSC M | Gabon | SECAM K |
Antigua & Barbuda | NTSC M | Galapagos Islands | NTSC M |
Argentina | PAL N | Gambia | PAL B |
Armenia | SECAM D/K | Georgia | SECAM D/K |
Aruba | NTSC M | Germany | PAL B/G |
Australia | PAL B/G | Germany (Armed Forces Tv Germany) | NTSC M |
Austria | PAL B/G | Ghana | PAL B/G |
Azerbaijan | SECAM D/K | Gibraltar | PAL B/G |
Azores | PAL B | Greece | PAL B/G |
Bahamas | NTSC M | Greenland | PAL B |
Bahrain | PAL B/G | Grenada | NTSC M |
Bangladesh | PAL B | Guam | NTSC M |
Barbados | NTSC M | Guadeloupe | SECAM K |
Belarus | SECAM D/K | Guatemala | NTSC M |
Belgium | PAL B/H | Guiana (French) | SECAM K |
Belgium (Armed Forces Network) | NTSC M | Guinea | PAL K |
Belize | NTSC M | Guyana | NTSC M |
Benin | SECAM K | Haiti | SECAM |
Bermuda | NTSC M | Honduras | NTSC M |
Bolivia | NTSC M | Hong Kong | PAL I |
Bosnia/Herzegovina | PAL B/H | Hungary | PAL K/K |
Botswana | SECAM K, PAL I | Iceland | PAL B/G |
Brazil | PAL M | India | PAL B |
British Indian Ocean Territory | NTSC M | Indonesia | PAL B |
Brunei Darussalam | PAL B | Iran | PAL B/G |
Bulgaria | PAL | Iraq | PAL |
Burkina Faso | SECAM K | Ireland, Republic Of | PAL I |
Burundi | SECAM K | Isle Of Man | PAL |
Cambodia | PAL B/G, NTSC M | Israel | PAL B/G |
Cameroon | PAL B/G | Italy | PAL B/G |
Canada | NTSC M | Jamaica | NTSC M |
Canary Islands | PAL B/G | Japan | NTSC M |
Central African Republic | SECAM K | Johnstone Island | NTSC M |
Chad | SECAM D | Jordan | PAL B/G |
Chile | NTSC M | Kazakhstan | SECAM D/K |
China (People'S Republic) | PAL D | Kenya | PAL B/G |
Colombia | NTSC M | Korea (North) | SECAM D, PAL D/K |
Congo (People'S Republic) | SECAM K | Korea (South) | NTSC M |
Congo, Dem. Rep. (Zaire) | SECAM K | Kuwait | PAL B/G |
Cook Islands | PAL B | Kyrgyz Republic | SECAM D/K |
Costa Rica | NTSC M | Laos | PAL B |
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) | SECAM K/D | Latvia | PAL B/G |
Croatia | PAL B/H | Lebanon | PAL B/G |
Cuba | NTSC M | Lesotho | PAL K |
Cyprus | PAL B/G | Liberia | PAL B/H |
Czech Republic | PAL B/G (cable), PAL D/K (broadcast) | Libya | PAL B/G |
Denmark | PAL B/G | Liechtenstein | PAL B/G |
Diego Garcia | NTSC M | Lithuania | PAL B/G, SECAM D/K |
Djibouti | SECAM K | Luxembourg | PAL B/G, SECAM L |
Dominica | NTSC M | Macau | PAL I |
Dominican Republic | NTSC M | Macedonia | PAL B/H |
East Timor | PAL B | Madagascar | SECAM K |
Easter Island | PAL B | Madeira | PAL B |
Ecuador | NTSC M | Malaysia | PAL B |
Egypt | PAL B/G, SECAM B/G | Maldives | PAL B |
El Salvador | NTSC M | Mali | SECAM K |
Equitorial Guinea | SECAM B | Malta | PAL B |
Estonia | PAL B/G | Marshall Islands | NTSC M |
Ethiopia | PAL B | Martinique | SECAM K |
Oman | PAL B/G | Mauritania | SECAM B |
Pakistan | PAL B | Mauritius | SECAM B |
Palau | NTSC M | Mayotte | SECAM K |
Panama | NTSC M | Mexico | NTSC M |
Papua New Guinea | PAL B/G | Micronesia | NTSC M |
Paraguay | PAL N | Midway Island | NTSC M |
Peru | NTSC M | Moldova (Moldavia) | SECAM D/K |
Philippines | NTSC M | Monaco | SECAM L, PAL G |
Poland | PAL D/K | Mongolia | SECAM D |
Polynesia (French) | SECAM K | Montenegro | PAL B/G |
Portugal | PAL B/G | Montserrat | NTSC M |
Puerto Rico | NTSC M | Morocco | SECAM B |
Qatar | PAL B | Mozambique | PAL B |
Reunion | SECAM K | Myanmar (Burma) | NTSC M |
Romania | PAL D/G | Namibia | PAL I |
Russia | SECAM D/K | Nepal | B |
St. Kitts & Nevis | NTSC M | Netherlands | PAL B/G |
St. Lucia | NTSC M | Netherlands (Armed Forces Network) | NTSC M |
St. Pierre Et Miquelon | SECAM K | Netherlands Antilles | NTSC M |
St. Vincent | NTSC M | New Caledonia | SECAM K |
Sao Tomé E Principe | PAL B/G | New Zealand | PAL B/G |
Samoa, American | NTSC | Nicaragua | NTSC M |
Saudi Arabia | SECAM B/G, PAL B | Niger | SECAM K |
Samoa | NTSC M | Nigeria | PAL B/G |
Senegal | SECAM K | Norfolk Island | PAL B |
Serbia | PAL B/G | North Mariana Islands | NTSC M |
Seychelles | PAL B/G | Norway | PAL B/G |
Sierra Leone | PAL B/G | Tahiti | SECAM |
Singapore | PAL B/G | Taiwan | NTSC |
Slovakia | PAL B/G | Tajikistan | SECAM D/K |
Slovenia | PAL B/H | Tanzania | PAL B |
Somalia | PAL B/G | Thailand | PAL B/M |
South Africa | PAL I | Togo | SECAM K |
Spain | PAL B/G | Trinidad & Tobago | NTSC M |
Sri Lanka | PAL | Tunisia | SECAM B/G |
Sudan | PAL B | Turkey | PAL B |
Suriname | NTSC M | Turkmenistan | SECAM D/K |
Swaziland | PAL B/G | Turks & Caicos Islands | NTSC M |
Sweden | PAL B/G | Uganda | PAL B/G |
Switzerland | PAL B/G (GERMAN ZONE, SECAM L (FRENCH ZONE | Ukraine | SECAM D/K |
Syria | SECAM B, PAL G | Uruguay | PAL N |
Venezuela | NTSC M | United Arab Emirates | PAL B/G |
Vietnam | NTSC M, SECAM D | United States | NTSC M |
Virgin Islands (Us & British) | NTSC M | United Kingdom | PAL I |
Uzbekistan | SECAM D/K | ||
Wallis & Futuna | SECAM K | ||
Yemen | PAL B/NTSC M | ||
Zambia | PAL B/G | ||
Zimbabwe | PAL B/G |