Shenzhen Acedo Electronics Technology Co., Ltd



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Nov 09, 2023



The table below lists broadcast standards by country.

There are three main television standards used throughout the world.

NTSC - National Television Standards Committee

Developed in the US and first used in 1954, NTSC is the oldest existing broadcast standard. It consists of 525 horizontal lines of display and 60 vertical lines. Only one type exists, known as NTSC M. It is sometimes irreverently referred to as  Never Twice the Same Color. 

SECAM - Système Électronique pour Couleur avec Mèmoire.

Developed in France and first used in 1967. It uses a 625-line vertical, 50-line horizontal display. Different types use different video bandwidth and audio carrier specifications. Types B and D are usually used for VHF. Types G, H, and K are used for UHF. Types I, N, M, K1 and L are used for both VHF and UHF. These different types are generally not compatible with one another. SECAM is sometimes irreverently referred to as  Something Essentially Contrary to the American Method  or  SEcond Color Always Magenta. 

PAL - Phase Alternating Line

Developed in Germany and first used in 1967. A variant of NTSC, PAL uses a 625/50-line display. Different types use different video bandwidth and audio carrier specifications. Common types are B, G, and H. Less common types include D, I, K, N, and M. These different types are generally not compatible with one another. Proponents of PAL irreverently call it  Perfection At Last, while critics of its enormous circuit complexity call it  Pay A Lot  or "Picture Always Lousy.

Television Standards by Country

Country Signal Type Country Signal Type
Afghanistan PAL B, SECAM B Fiji NTSC M
Albania PAL B/G Finland PAL B/G
Algeria PAL B/G France SECAM L
Angola PAL I France (French Forces Tv) SECAM G
Antarctica NTSC M Gabon SECAM K
Antigua & Barbuda NTSC M Galapagos Islands NTSC M
Argentina PAL N Gambia PAL B
Armenia SECAM D/K Georgia SECAM D/K
Aruba NTSC M Germany PAL B/G
Australia PAL B/G Germany (Armed Forces Tv Germany) NTSC M
Austria PAL B/G Ghana PAL B/G
Azerbaijan SECAM D/K Gibraltar PAL B/G
Azores PAL B Greece PAL B/G
Bahamas NTSC M Greenland PAL B
Bahrain PAL B/G Grenada NTSC M
Bangladesh PAL B Guam NTSC M
Barbados NTSC M Guadeloupe SECAM K
Belarus SECAM D/K Guatemala NTSC M
Belgium PAL B/H Guiana (French) SECAM K
Belgium (Armed Forces Network) NTSC M Guinea PAL K
Belize NTSC M Guyana NTSC M
Bermuda NTSC M Honduras NTSC M
Bolivia NTSC M Hong Kong PAL I
Bosnia/Herzegovina PAL B/H Hungary PAL K/K
Botswana SECAM K, PAL I Iceland PAL B/G
Brazil PAL M India PAL B
British Indian Ocean Territory  NTSC M Indonesia PAL B
Brunei Darussalam PAL B Iran PAL B/G
Bulgaria PAL Iraq PAL
Burkina Faso SECAM K Ireland, Republic Of PAL I
Burundi SECAM K Isle Of Man  PAL
Cambodia PAL B/G, NTSC M Israel PAL B/G
Cameroon PAL B/G Italy PAL B/G
Canada NTSC M Jamaica NTSC M
Canary Islands PAL B/G Japan NTSC M
Central African Republic SECAM K Johnstone Island NTSC M
Chad SECAM D Jordan PAL B/G
Chile NTSC M Kazakhstan SECAM D/K
China (People'S Republic) PAL D Kenya PAL B/G
Colombia NTSC M Korea (North) SECAM D, PAL D/K
Congo (People'S Republic) SECAM K Korea (South) NTSC M
Congo, Dem. Rep. (Zaire) SECAM K Kuwait PAL B/G
Cook Islands PAL B Kyrgyz Republic SECAM D/K
Costa Rica NTSC M Laos PAL B
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) SECAM K/D Latvia PAL B/G
Croatia PAL B/H Lebanon PAL B/G
Cuba NTSC M Lesotho PAL K
Cyprus PAL B/G Liberia PAL B/H
Czech Republic PAL B/G (cable), PAL D/K (broadcast) Libya PAL B/G
Denmark PAL B/G Liechtenstein PAL B/G
Diego Garcia NTSC M Lithuania PAL B/G, SECAM D/K
Djibouti SECAM K Luxembourg PAL B/G, SECAM L
Dominica NTSC M Macau PAL I
Dominican Republic NTSC M Macedonia PAL B/H
East Timor PAL B Madagascar SECAM K
Easter Island PAL B Madeira PAL B
Ecuador NTSC M Malaysia PAL B
Egypt PAL B/G, SECAM B/G Maldives PAL B
El Salvador NTSC M Mali SECAM K
Equitorial Guinea SECAM B Malta PAL B
Estonia PAL B/G Marshall Islands NTSC M
Ethiopia PAL B Martinique SECAM K
Oman PAL B/G Mauritania SECAM B
Pakistan PAL B Mauritius SECAM B
Palau NTSC M Mayotte SECAM K
Panama NTSC M Mexico NTSC M
Papua New Guinea PAL B/G Micronesia NTSC M
Paraguay PAL N Midway Island NTSC M
Peru NTSC M Moldova (Moldavia) SECAM D/K
Philippines NTSC M Monaco SECAM L, PAL G
Poland PAL D/K Mongolia SECAM D
Polynesia (French) SECAM K Montenegro PAL B/G
Portugal PAL B/G Montserrat NTSC M
Puerto Rico NTSC M Morocco SECAM B
Qatar PAL B Mozambique PAL B
Reunion SECAM K Myanmar (Burma) NTSC M
Romania PAL D/G Namibia PAL I
Russia SECAM D/K Nepal B
St. Kitts & Nevis NTSC M Netherlands PAL B/G
St. Lucia NTSC M Netherlands (Armed Forces Network) NTSC M
St. Pierre Et Miquelon SECAM K Netherlands Antilles NTSC M
St. Vincent NTSC M New Caledonia SECAM K
Sao Tomé E Principe PAL B/G New Zealand PAL B/G
Samoa, American NTSC Nicaragua NTSC M
Saudi Arabia SECAM B/G, PAL B Niger SECAM K
Samoa NTSC M Nigeria PAL B/G
Senegal SECAM K Norfolk Island PAL B
Serbia PAL B/G North Mariana Islands NTSC M
Seychelles PAL B/G Norway PAL B/G
Sierra Leone PAL B/G Tahiti SECAM
Singapore PAL B/G Taiwan NTSC
Slovakia PAL B/G Tajikistan SECAM D/K
Slovenia PAL B/H Tanzania PAL B
Somalia PAL B/G Thailand PAL B/M
South Africa PAL I Togo SECAM K
Spain PAL B/G Trinidad & Tobago NTSC M
Sri Lanka PAL Tunisia SECAM B/G
Sudan PAL B Turkey PAL B
Suriname NTSC M Turkmenistan SECAM D/K
Swaziland PAL B/G Turks & Caicos Islands NTSC M
Sweden PAL B/G Uganda PAL B/G
Syria SECAM B, PAL G Uruguay PAL N
Venezuela NTSC M United Arab Emirates PAL B/G
Vietnam NTSC M, SECAM D United States NTSC M
Virgin Islands (Us & British) NTSC M United Kingdom PAL I
Uzbekistan SECAM D/K
Wallis & Futuna SECAM K
Zambia PAL B/G
Zimbabwe PAL B/G



